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- Carbon intensity toolkit
- Balancing market data
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- Fundamental model Power 2 Sim
Balancing market data
Track energy balancing volumes and prices from across Europe.
See the cost of imbalance across European energy markets including:
Activated upward and downward regulation energy as close to real time as possible.
Available for IGCC, FCR, aFFR, mFFR, RR and PICASSO
Track potential actions in the UK balancing market.
The German imbalance price is published delayed on the 20th working day after the accounting month. Get estimates based on regulation cost and imbalance volumes at the end of each quarter of an hour.
understand cause and effect in European balancing markets.
See how individual units are reacting to revenue opportunities.
See where there network is holding back delivery.
Get an edge on the market
Sub-second calculations deliver imbalance prices before they are published by system operators - putting you ahead of the competition.

Delivery Methods
View imbalance data on our intuitive platforms or have data delivered directly to your own models through Excel integration, time series API or python client.

Try balancing market data for free
With so much data available, Montel Analytics often requires tailored solutions. Get in touch with our product experts so we can build the exact package to meet your needs.