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Modelling for PPAs, batteries, power plants, storage and flexible assets show you the cashflows of related risks of your projects.


See the value of your energy generation or demand in various scenarios with state-of-the-art correlation and volatility modelling techniques.

Available for single assets or entire portfolios, valuations provide you with cash flow figures, risk measures, volume analysis and more to support investment decisions or optimise existing projects including:

Inform your investment decisions or back-test existing contracts. Highly reliable valuations incorporate state-of-the-art synthetic wind and pv profiles, as well as simulations able to capture cannibalism effects.

Get valuations and risk analysis for offers & exposures. Set your parameters, input your market data and use our expertise to set up the solution you need to make better energy risk management decisions.

Wind, solar PV, pumped storage, conventional plants (gas/coal fired), CHPs (incl. district heat storages), power-to-heat, power-to-gas, biogas, gas storage and battery storage.

Beyond valuations

By creating a mathematical representation of your power unit PPA or load profile, we can show you how to make your business more profitable.

Our analysis gives you more than just a number, with added insights including sensitivities against value drivers, capture rates, cannibalism effects, profit & loss, limits, target definitions and optimal hedging strategies.

Delta hedging

Delta hedging enables you to protect the time value of your assets whist reducing the portfolio's volatility.

By understanding flexible generation systems as real options, delta hedge figures can be derived directly from our valuation algorithms.

Strategy testing

Run stress tests and back tests to optimise value. As markets change over time in response to political and regulatory events, it can be useful to work out multiple solutions to the same challenge.

We continue to work with you after the numbers have been run in order to ensure you are maximising your revenue opportunities.

Delivery methods

Valuations are provided as a consultancy service. We support you with a guided onboarding process to understand the challenges being faced and how our modelling can solve them.

We identify the most relevant states and asset-specific constraints to fulfil your requirements, before reviewing and agreeing the terms of our working relationship with you.

Standard reports for daily operation and management summaries are available in a range of formats, enabling you to track the performance of our valuations.

Try valuations for free

Get in touch with our product experts so we can build the exact package to meet your needs.