Courses Archive
2024-12-17 -
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
Online simulation game: short-term trading - December 2024
2024-12-10 - 2024-12-12
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
PPA-Intensivseminar: Bewertung & Vertragsgestaltung: Dezember 24
Was genau passiert im PPA-Markt? Wo liegen Chancen und Fallstricke?
2024-11-19 - 2024-11-20
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
PPA Advanced: Umgang mit Marktrisiken für Wind- und Solarenergie
Wie kann ich Risiken aus einem wachsenden PPA-Portfolio abschätzen und managen?
2024-11-06 - 2024-11-07
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
Nachhaltige Beschaffungsstrategien & Prognosemethoden
Wie funktioniert der Handel und wie entstehen die Preise?
2024-10-22 - 2024-10-23
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
Hydrogen PPAs in Germany and Europe
2024-10-15 -
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
Online simulation game: short-term trading
2024-09-25 - 2024-09-26
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
Techniken der Strompreisprognose
Wie lassen sich Strompreisentwicklungen prognostizieren?
• Anantara Palais Hansen Vienna
How corporate consumers can go green
We are delighted to invite you to this seminar tailored for corporate actors and energy companies alike, focusing on power procurement strategies and changes in energy markets. The energy experts will cover CSRD and how to include GO in PPA.
2024-09-11 - 2024-09-12
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
Electricity trading on spot and futures markets
How does trading work and what drives prices?
2024-07-16 - 2024-07-17
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
PPA Advanced: Managing Market Risks for Wind and Solar
How can I assess and manage the risk of an increasing PPA portfolio?
2024-07-10 - 2024-07-11
• Live-Online-Training (Microsoft Teams)
Battery storage in electricity markets
Are BESS a good addition for my projects and my business model?
(Market focus of the seminar will be Germany)
2024-06-12 - 2024-06-13
• Live on-line training
Energiewirtschaft Starterkit
Wie funktioniert eigentlich der Strommarkt?
• Webinar
Kraftwerksstrategie (DE) und energy sovereignty bill (FR)
Kostenloses Webinar: Welche Strompreise bringen die neuen Kraftwerksstrategien in Deutschland und Frankreich?
2024-02-07 - 2024-02-08
• Live online-training
Electricity Trading on Spot and Futures Markets
This live online-training hosted by Energy Brainpool - now part of the Montel Group - provides basic knowledge about price mechanisms and influencing factors of the spot and futures markets and their interaction.