PPA price assessments

See Power Purchase Agreement prices, captured prices and forward curves for energy markets across Europe with benchmarking tools.

Stay ahead with daily market insights

PPA benchmarking prices

Our PPA benchmark tool provides you with the latest daily market prices, ensuring you are always informed and able to make timely decisions. Our continuous price inquiries deliver accurate and up-to-date PPA benchmarks for 15 European countries, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

  • Daily PPA prices and captured prices: access the latest market prices updated daily. 

  • Continuous market assessments: we continuously track market fluctuations to provide real-time data.

  • Risk factor monitoring: make investment decisions based on the most current market trends. 

  • Compare PPA prices: receive detailed reports with market analysis to better understand market dynamic. Access historical data and see the last 12 months of our assessments.

Overview PPA Benchmarking Prices

Build your opinion of PPA markets with access to a range of past and future price data:

See the development of Power purchase agreement prices since 2018

Volume weighted achieved spot price per MWh over different timeframes

See the potential future prices of PPAs

PPA benchmarking price coverage

View daily estimated & benchmark power purchase agreement prices for any of the following markets:

Denmark (including price zones)
Italy (PUN)
Norway (including price zones)
Sweden (including price zones)
United Kingdom

Project-related assessment in Germany

PPA market prices

Our project assessment services are designed to help you optimise the value of your German energy projects through precise fair value assessment and advanced risk modelling. Understand the financial viability and risk factors associated with your projects to make informed investment decisions. 

  • Fair value assessment: evaluate the true market value of your energy projects. 

  • Risk modelling: identify and quantify potential risks to make informed decisions. 

  • Financial viability: understand the financial health and profitability of your projects, we are recognised by banks in the DACH region. 

  • Customised reports: receive a tailored report for your specific project assessment. 

Leverage our expertise to ensure your projects are financially sound and strategically aligned with market opportunities.

Overview PPA market prices

Assessment of project-specific PPA projects based on:

Fundamental capture prices based on Power Price Scenarios

Calculation of shape risks based on Power Price Scenario Swarms and hedging risks using a self-developed hedging tool and assessment of balancing costs

PPA Database

See all power purchase agreement deals in Europe signed since 2018. Gain in-depth insights, understand fair value and identify new PPA partners. Project planners, plant operators, energy suppliers, traders, and industrial end users all use this information to find suitable partners.

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Understand the tools available to help you track PPA prices.

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