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French Energy Day 2023

Montel returns to Paris for our French Energy Day 2023! 

Taking place at the beautiful Hilton Paris Opera, this full-day conference will offer participants fresh insights into the various factors driving price changes across French energy markets.

Our networking dinner after the day's discussions also provides the perfect setting in which to make new connections and catch up with old friends, as you relax with good food and a well earned glass of something nice.

Physical event is now fully booked!

Free live stream
The entire opening session - Risks for France’s nuclear fleet - from 10:00 to 11:20 CEST will be broadcasted live for free. Please use the link on the right hand side to register.

For questions, please contact

09:30 – 10:00 Registration and opening coffee

10:00 – 10:10 Welcoming words

Touzani Serifi, Directeur Général Montel France

The conference will be moderated by Morten Hegna, Manager, Montel Group, and
Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, editor-in-chief, Montel News

Risks for France’s nuclear fleet

10:10 - 10:30 Risks for France’s aging nuclear fleet

Franck Gbaguidi, Director, Energy, Climate & Resources, Eurasia Group

10:30 - 10.50 Medium to longer term: Climate issues - impact on power generation in France

Thibault Laconde, CEO, Callendar

10.50 - 11:20 Panel discussion

Yves Lheureux, Director, ANCCLI
Valerie Faudon, Director general, SFEN
Thibault Laconde, CEO, Callendar
Franck Gbaguidi, Director, Energy, Climate & Resources, Eurasia Group
Pauline Boyer, Energy campaigner, Greenpeace

Moderated by Chris Eales, Editor France

11:20 – 11:50 Coffee break

Energy transition

11:50 – 12:10 Obstacles to France’s energy transition

Matthieu Monnier, Deputy CEO, France Renouvelables

12:10 – 12:30 Boosting France’s renewables growth: CFDs vs PPAs

Pierre Dennery, Head of France, Aurora Energy Research

12:30 – 12.50 View from the industry: Green transition in France

Guillaume de Goÿs, CEO, Aluminium Dunkerque and chairman of Aluminium France

12.50 - 13:20 Panel discussion

Helene Gelas, Partner lawyer, Jeantet
Anthony Mazzenga, Chief Business Development Officer, GRTgaz
Marie-Laetitia Gourdin, Head of Public Affairs and Media Relations France, Vattenfall
Matthieu Monnier, Deputy CEO, France Renouvelables
Olivier Houvenagel, Director of Power Systems Economics, RTE

Moderated by Muriel Boselli, Montel News France

13:20 - 14:35 Lunch


14:35 – 14:50 Regulation: Replacing Arenh?

Julien Tedde, CEO of Opera Energie

14:50 – 15:20 Panel discussion

Frank Roubanovitch, Chairman, CLEEE
Nicolas de Warren, President, Uniden
Gery Lecerf, Public Affairs Director at Alpiq Energie France, and President of EER and AFIEG
Julien Tedde, CEO of Opera Energie
Dominique Jamme. Managing Director, CRE

Moderated by Sophie Tetrel, Montel News France

15:20 – 15:50 Coffee break


15:50 – 16:10 Intraday trading - case study

Clement Bouilloux, Territory Manager CWE, Montel EnAppSys

16:10 – 16:30 Green markets update - GOs

Lucas Beugin, Head of commodities trading, Green Power Commodities

16:30 – 16.55 Winter outlook for power

Emeric de Vigan, VP Power, Kpler

Closing words

Networking dinner reception


Franck Gbaguidi

Director, Energy, Climate & Resources, Eurasia Group

Thibault Laconde

CEO, Callendar

Yves Lheureux

Director, ANCCLI

Pauline Boyer

Energy campaigner, Greenpeace

Valerie Faudon

Director general, SFEN

Matthieu Monnier

Deputy CEO, France Renouvelables

Pierre Dennery

Head of France, Aurora Energy Research

Guillaume de Goÿs

CEO, Aluminium Dunkerque and chairman of Aluminium France

Helene Gelas

Partner lawyer, Jeantet

Anthony Mazzenga

Chief Business Development Officer, GRTgaz

Marie-Laetitia Gourdin

Head of Public Affairs and Media Relations France, Vattenfall

Olivier Houvenagel

Director of Power Systems Economics, RTE

Julien Tedde

CEO of Opera Energie

Frank Roubanovitch

Chairman, CLEEE

Nicolas de Warren

President, Uniden

Gery Lecerf

Public Affairs Director at Alpiq Energie France, and President of EER and AFIEG

Dominique Jamme

Managing Director, CRE

Clement Bouilloux

Clement Bouilloux

Territory Manager CWE, Montel EnAppSys

Lucas Beugin

Head of commodities trading, Green Power Commodities

Emeric de Vigan

VP Power, Kpler

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