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Hydrogen PPAs in Germany and Europe

As decarbonisation continues to reshape energy markets across Europe, hydrogen and electricity are set to become two of the most important energy sources for the future.

Designed to help you gather useful insights and develop new skills, our respected topic experts are here to teach you all you need to know about the rise of PPAs and green hydrogen.

Sign up to this course to learn what regulations must be met for hydrogen to be considered renewable, why PPAs are playing a key role for businesses looking to buy green power and how to optimise the procurement of green electricity of electrolysers.

This training course will teach you how to:

Classify different PPA prices and purchase structures

Apply current regulatory requirements to your project

Develop green electricity procurement strategies for electrolysers

Understand the factors affecting future hydrogen prices

Agenda Hydrogen PPAs in Germany and Europe

Session 1: Overview of PPAs - markets, prices and structure

  • Electricity pricing at the spot and futures market 

  • PPAs at a glance: Types, volumes and market data  

  • Evaluation of wind and solar profiles – the capture price 

  • PPA structures: baseload, pay-as-produced, pay-as-nominated 

Session 2: Regulatory framework for renewable hydrogen

  • EU regulation according to the Delegated Act for Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO): When electrolysis hydrogen is considered “renewable“ 

  • Excursus: System and value of guarantees of origin (GoO) 

Session 3: Application of EU regulation in various countries

  • France, Scandinavia and Iberian Peninsula: outlook for “high RE grids” and “low carbon grids” 

  • Germany: is redispatch an opportunity? 

  • Low price option: frequency of power prices below 20 EUR/MWh 

  • Excursus on the EU ETS: potential for linking electricity procurement to CO2 prices 

Session 4: Optimizing overall electricity procurement costs

  • Hydrogen generation costs as a function of full load hours 

  • Dilemma of high production volumes and low variable costs 

  • Case study: green electricity procurement with wind and solar PPA solutions (PPA portfolio) 

Session 5: Model of a hydrogen price index

  • Phases of market development for hydrogen in Europe 

  • Explanation of the assumptions and model for Energy Brainpool’s hydrogen price index 

  • Presentation of selected results of the hydrogen price index 

Session 6: Utilizing the flexibility of an electrolyzer

  • Technical characteristics of an electrolyzer towards flexibility 

  • Case study: PPA procurement (base vs. profile) as a hedge and daily spot market optimization 

  • Intraday market and balancing energy market: potential for optimization? 


Matthis Brinkhaus

Senior Expert

Matthis Brinkhaus studied Industrial Engineering (B. Eng.) with a focus on energy technology and product management at the University of Applied Sciences Ansbach and Industrial Engineering (M. Sc.) with a focus on energy and resource management at the Technical University Berlin. In his master thesis he focused on the control energy system of the Indian power grid. Matthis Brinkhaus began his professional career as a Project Manager and Trainer at an international provider of education and training in renewable energies and energy efficiency. He then worked as an Analyst for a project planner for wind turbines. Since August 2019, he is responsible for the development and realisation of trainings and simulation games on the electricity and energy industry at Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG. In addition, he is involved in projects for the transformation of the energy industry. He is an expert for renewable energies in the areas of financing, grid integration and at the interface to the electricity market. As a certified trainer Matthis Brinkhaus is conducting seminars for exchange traders in consultation with the European Energy Exchange (EEX AG) and the European Power Exchange (EPEX SPOT SE).

Target group

  • Operators or suppliers of electrolysers,

  • Specialists and managers from the energy industry with responsibility for products or business field development,

  • Employess in strategic management or purchasing in the industry and

  • Specialist consultants from interest groups

Exemplary Use Case

As a pioneer of the energy transition, you are already involved in initial projects for the production of green hydrogen using electrolysis and have gained relevant experience. In view of the current regulatory requirements, you are wondering how these are to be implemented in practice so that the hydrogen is considered “green” or “renewable”.

You are interested in how you can keep electricity procurement costs low and would like to use case studies to see what different solutions for electricity procurement mean for your project. But you also want to know what the market value of the hydrogen will be in the end so that you can check the economic viability of your projects.