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Montel provides an excellent overview of all the developments driving energy market prices, as well as the important news from across the energy sector.

Morten Erik Petterson

Director, Power Trading

Montel is a smart and unique tool allowing us to effectively monitor energy markets. In the era of decarbonization, digitalization and energy transition this user-friendly platform provides exclusive insights from knowledgeable experts.

Montel's platform helps us to identify trends, understand market dynamics and assess the competitive landscape. This allows us to make informed purchasing decisions based on current market conditions and helps us shaping our sustainable procurement strategy.

Paulina Borkowska

Procurement Manager

Montel News is one of the vital sources of news that we use daily to stay on top of the market and recent developments in both the energy landscape and relevant political policies. For more quantitative work, we also appreciate the services and offerings from Montel Analytics, which I think provides a stream-lined solution for a lot of our data and forecast needs.

Rasmus Elbaek Hedegaard

Quantitative Analyst

Montel provides useful near-time trading information, news and fundamentals relevant for our energy trading activities. These smart trading tools are the basis for making more valuable trading decisions and conducting analysis.

Udo Wappler

Head of Trading Operations

Montel provides us with a quick and high-quality overview of the pressing issues in energy markets. We greatly appreciate Montel’s approach and their closeness to market participants, delivering analysis as well as background information.

Ina Svenkerud Schjeldrup

Head of Public & Regulatory Affairs: Nordics, Benelux and Baltics

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